Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Facts ala Potter & Parrot

Hi Kim! I have information about Bill for all hands...or at least anyone who's interested.

My co-op project from summer was just recently returned to me. As it turned out, the gentleman who read and graded it, Dan Parrott (author of Tall Ships Down, if anyone's read that...if not, you should), used to be Captain on Bill, back when she worked for Vision Quest. Here's Bill's early history as it came from him...

She was built at the Harvey Gamage Yard in South Bristol, ME (as opposed to the Gamage Yard in East Boothbay).

She's a type replica of a downeast cargo schooner.

She was originally built as a private passenger carrying vessel, with no motor, although she had a gig boat at the time. She also carried a pair of white sailing dories on her midship davits. One of them disappeared before Vision Quest bought the boat, but the other one should still be with her, as far as Captain Parrott knows. She carried passengers until the early 80's.

Vision Quest bought her in 1986 and installed the engine.

That's it for now...I'm midway through finals week here, hope everyone is doing well. I'll be in Tahoe for Christmas and New Years...if anyone's in the area, stop by and say hi!


>>>>>>>>if you would like Bryce's email please email me at kim(at)ladywashington(dot)org<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Wooden Boat Dec '05 Issue

Cheers to Bhodi Sheridan, who is credited for his photo of Pride 2's wreckage on page 17!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

it lives! IT LIVES!

at long last... 
Captain Christopher is speaking out!
No more do we have to ask our friends
"hey, so how's Cap?"
"did you hear anything?"
"have you seen him?"
"how does he look?"
here he is to dispel all the rumors....!

(drum roll......)


yes yes, i know, christopher is finally answering
emails?! My God, man, it must be the end times!
say to yourself "I must repent!".
anyway, enough of that...

for those of you who are pissed of at me for my
silence on matters medical, past and present.

I apologize, sincerely.

my only caveat is that spotty communication via
e-mail is the price one pays for the mistake of
being acquainted with me. and never mind the
NSA scrutiny, you shouldn't even notice.

right, some of you don't know that i was in a
motorcycle accident aug 15, the monday after
LA Tall Ships. i was in 9.5 hours surgery and now
have more stainless steel in my right leg than
the terminator (the first one, not t3).
11 days in the hospital and home on the 22nd of aug.
it was a relatively slow speed accident
and i pulled my leg out of the way in time,
but the car hit my foot and the force went right
up my leg. soooo, i was in ugly shape for a bit.

Now, the bright side... i did not hurt my: head, neck, back or pelvis.
No other damage, only a slight road rash on my elbow. thats it. now,
i am healing so fast that i can walk (sort of), i am on crutches and
walking with them. i was never in a cast and within 3 weeks i was only
wearing a sock to bed (well, not ONLY). i do have some impressive scars
on my foot and hip, and you guys know that 'chicks dig scars'. i am
going to the gym 3-4 times a week and swimming well. i don't have any
real pain, its a little achy and tender in some places, but, it is
healing rapidly. amazingly enough, i did not blow out any joints and my foot
escaped devastating damage (ie. multiple surgeries or amputation). so,
the prognosis is close to 100% in a year or so, and up and about within
6 months. i am shooting for sooner than that. however i am not stupid
and understand what the limits are.

bright side #2... The US Coast Guard granted a 6 month extension on my
deadline to test for the 1600 ton license upgrade on my Captains
license. My friend tamara sent ALL of her study material for my my
educastional edification. my friend and landlord, melissa is in the process of
selling the house i livein, booo. however, I would be out sailing
somewhere when it all went down, and how would i be able to pack and
where would i go, on short notice or time constraints.. so, i now have
time to settle my affairs and figure it all out. high price to pay for
time, but, lets face it, the glass should to be half full.

I must say that my local friends have been heroes in taking care of me
and making sure i was comfortable. my parents flew in to help out and
my aunt and uncle and cousins came out as well. those friends who are
far away and knew sent your love and support in various ways, and those
who did not know, well, i realize how poorly i handled that aspect of
the whole thing. as some of you know, or have discovered, i don't
communicate well.

for those of you who are curious about what i was up to this summer,
tall ships 2005 in the pacific northwest. you can go to
schoonerbillofrights.blogspot.com or bobandshawn.com (click "gallery") and see some
wonderful pictures and read about the cool times we had.

right. so, i am flying to oakland for thanksgiving, i have family
there. and home to houston for christmas.

some of you i owe much more than a group e-mail. i think you know who
you are, i do to. baby steps.

ta for now,
i hope that i may see you all out there soon.

i love ya,


ps take you r time writing back, other wise my in box will be like
reading moby dick, set aside a lot of time.
(oh, yeah, i have a lot of time)


Master, S/V Bill Of Rights

---if you would like Christopher's email address, please drop me a
line at kim(at)ladywashington.org and I will forward your request.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Por la estudiantes de Puerto Rico

Most of us up on the mainland do not know the details of why the Puerto Rico purchasing of Bill of Rights did not go through. I understand that several students of the proposed schooner study program are checking this site, but this is not an official site and unfortunately I have no official information regarding the future of your program. They may be looking for another boat.

The only people who might know a little more are back in Puerto Rico. Sean Griffin, Rafael Mendez, William Aponte, and Captain Victor were all aboard with us this summer. They may or may not have further details regarding barco escuela.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Not Much Going On!

Well I never hear from Kellick or Shawn on board. I suppose I should call them and get an update... BUT... JP emailed me and promised to send pics of his wedding! So those will go up here soon.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Independence

Texas History Timeline readerboard found outside the Alamo in San

Antonio. I say it's a brigantine but I can't clearly define the top aft

sail or the gaff staysl? in the middle. Anyone know this boat?
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Friday, September 09, 2005

Don't want to imagine...

what it was like for Captain Jan Miles standing at the helm...
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photo from Bhodi & Erin's blog: pride2.blogspot.com

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Pride 2 caught in squall

I rec'd this from Nathalie Reginster today:

It is believed that Erin and Bhodi are currently crewing on the Pride of Baltimore II. They were supposed to join her crew when she reached Europe. In a transit from Britain to Spain they were hit by a squall - 40 knots and seas to match. They lost the whole rig while at sea. Nobody was hurt. Apparently the bowspint carried away and the fore and main followed suite not long after. Everything went by "the board" as they say (over the side). They motored 80 miles inland and made an emergency landing in France dragging the remnants. My friend App's brother, who is also crewing said its the biggest rats nest he's ever seen. The spars have all been reduced to kindling and some of the sails are salvageable.
See the article for more info

... as far as I know, Andrew Mckee is still serving as chief mate on Pride and I also heard that Leann, formerly the mate aboard Schooner Lynx, is also aboard. - Kim

Monday, September 05, 2005

Name that sail

2nd sail from the top of the picture - just outboard of the Canadian flag....?
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Jimmy & I will have you know that except for the fore topsl we

seized on just about every last one of the hanks/hoops you see in the

above pic!

But wait! What's this funky sail below called?
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Ah the Captain who has all the answers!!!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Other Sites

While Bill of Rights takes a rest from her adventures, there might not be many updates here. I do however talk about past crew and other tallship characters on my personal site. I have also started a myspace site, along with Bhodi Sherridan, Erin Doak, Laura Levin and Jimmy Mcmanus! Join up and we can all stay connected. There's a "Tall Ship Sailors" group on myspace and a great sailor named Stephanie off Liberty Clipper runs it from her current homeport of Key West.

~ Kim Carver

Friday, August 19, 2005

Oh Captain, my Captain!

Pretty soon Captain Christopher will be released from the hospital and taken home. His house has been set up to accommodate him, and his roommate, family and friends are going to take turns being there to help out when he needs something.

Many people have been emailing me, asking to pass along their well-wishes to Christopher. So Christopher: Mark Griffin over in the Med. sends a "get well soon" to you, and good old Krunch is on the Sullivan right now and sends warm thoughts as well. Hopefully you have read the nice words on the Lady Washington site from Mark Olson and Haida Bob. Plus Jonothan Thomas called me and said he'd checked in on you and that your pain rating was 2 on a scale of 10, so he was relieved to hear that. We hear you're on a morphine drip, so enjoy that while it lasts!!!

The rumor that you are going to be good as new by Christmas is going strong now, so you have your rehabilitation work cut out for you!

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Our beloved Captain Christopher Trandell has been well tended to by the staff of Harbor-UCLA in Torrance, CA, and his crew, family & friends, including Miss Laura Levin and Steve Dilley. Laura and Steve came to be there for Christopher as soon as they heard and have been providing tons of support.

He was in surgery for 9 hours, and all his broken bones were reset during that time. After resting in intensive care for a day, he's been moved to room 17 on the 3rd floor of the west wing (rm 317-W ?) and has been told that he can put absolutely no weight on his foot for the next 8 weeks. After that it's physical therapy. Knowing Christopher's excellent health, I'm betting he'll be up and around by Christmas - maybe even back behind the helm? Let's hope.

The crew of Bill of Rights is kind of in limbo, as the Puerto Ricans have not gathered the resources to finalize the sale, and the contract with GHHSA/Lady Washington is over. We should assume that they are not getting paid and are wandering the streets between Harbor General and the schooner, where some of them shack up at night. If you see a lost sailor, take them in, feed them, let them check their email, do laundry, and watch a little TV.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bad News...

Schooner Bill of Rights Captain Christopher Trandell was in a motorcycle accident last night. He was broadsided, basically a car t-boned him on his bike. His whole Right side is seriously injured; Broken Femur, Broken hip, his lower leg broken in two different spot, broken bones in his foot, and the foot was torn open.
Please think good thoughts and a fast recovery. Lots of prayers!
Will update as soon as I know anything. Promise. You can also call me for more info tommorrow.

---Christopher Trandell is currently at Harbor - UCLA Medical Center (AKA Harbor General).
If you would like to send a card the address is:

County of Los Angeles Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
1000 West Carson Street
Torrance CA 90509

phone: (310)222-2345

Sunday, August 07, 2005


I wanted to send a picture to you of Bhodi and I when I visited him in Cleveland, when we still didn't know what we were doing after all of this.  Right before I left he got the offer for Pride and when i got back to Wupatki, I got an offer as well.  Completely unexpected but very welcome.  So, we are both joining Pride II on the same day and our contracts run until mid December. 
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Saturday, August 06, 2005

D + H + E = :)

Just read on Alexa Chipman's site that Bhodi is flying to Europe to join Pride II ! That boy gets around, eh?

I spoke with Nathalie on the phone from Oxnard two nights ago. They had an excellent sail south from Sausalito, and plenty of time to restore their energy while there. Michael Kellick is loving being mate on Bill more and more, Jim and Victor have left the boat - so sad to see Jim Rich go! And as usual, Valerie is driving the cook to drinking.

Ha ha just kidding. No, not really. Not really kidding I mean. Well hey, that's life on the high seas. We have our ups and downs but we're all in it together and we're closer than most people's families nowadays. There's days when you want to ring the neck of that shipmate who is complaining or being a slacker or acting moody, but when the stuff hits the fan and the sail blows apart at 2 am and all hands are called on deck, or when the craziest current or wind is holding you off that dock for an hour, I can't think of one person on board right now who wouldn't jump in and do whatever it took to keep the boat and their shipmates safe and sound. I realized yesterday that most people I know on land have almost never been dirty, hungry and exhausted all at the same time. But so often THAT is life on a working tall ship. Call me crazy, but somehow I've gotten to the point where dirty, hungry and exhausted equals happiness!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Tall Ship Sailors Breed Again

Please welcome Ewan Everett Deppe into our extended tall ship sailing family! He's guaranteed to be the kind of sailor who kicks butt like his dad and who can find things in the bilge easily like his mom. Ewan can be identified by all the fancy knitted garb he will be wearing (made by mom).
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Ms. Noelle and the littlest Deppe are coming to visit the tall ships today. Give her a break and don't ask her to perform any tricks (like I always ask her).

Friday, July 29, 2005

New Links

In the links section on this page you can now find the Channel Islands and San Pedro Tall Ships Challenge schedule.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bill's First Years

An alumni Bill of Rights crewmember found this site and emailed me a few days ago. He has permitted me to post his emails...

"I was amazed to see that the hull was now painted white. The hull I remember was new wood and beautiful."

"My memories are that I sailed with some of my pals from the Kent State Univ. Sailing Club for two weeks, spring 1973. We met the ship in Annapolis where it was "winter docked". We were 20 miles off the coast of Maryland, headed for Martha's Vineyard, when we ran into hurricane Agnes. The gails blew out two jibs and the rear main sail. For almost four days, we road it out with up to 50" swells. I still have a piece of that main sail (Hood) framed on my office wall."

When I was onboard, we had an yawl boat hanging off the rear. Interesting the things you save. I still keep a red striped "Crew Bill of Rights" tee shirt (circa 1973). I climbed the 100' mast and was mesmerized with the moving sea under me and an outstanding vista around me. I have tucked away a 1972 edition of "Sailing" magazine where they did a two page story. I get out every so often..."

---read other stories about Hurricane Agnes-----

I asked Michael if he knew anything of the rumor that Bill of Rights was modeled after the "slavers" of the late 1800's, and although it was a while back, I queried as to whether he might vaguely remember any other facts about Bill's history...

"Answers... Yes, Joe Davis said that the ship was fashioned after a slave schooner. The area where the galley is now located was the cook's cabin..."Katie" was her name and I spent a nite there! Good times! Katie and Bill (crew members)... used to work at eastern ski areas during the winter season and crewing of large ships during the summer. Ah, what a life of the young and restless!"

"Davis' family eventually got their money from owning and operating several cemetery's in RI. Davis went to school at Brown. I believe we sailed on her it second season. I believe it stayed moored in Annapolis during the winter months early in it's life. Something to do about worms doing something to the wood... I don't know for sure."

"I was looking at the pics of the rail and I had to laugh as I spent many a day leaning on them. I still have somewhere the pics taken by me across the deck of the Coast Guard cutter (65") who came and "saved us" (Ha!!) and towed us into Ocean City."

"Very good to hear from you! Stay connected, please!"

Cheers - Mike

It gives me (Kim) a thrill to think that the boat that has kept me safe and sound through much of this year was once battling 50' swells and a hurricane a few months before I was even born! And that crew long before us were probably also called on deck in the middle of the night to gain control of shredded sails whipping out of control... Thanks again, Michael! I know the crew and all the friends of Bill of Rights will enjoy reading these!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

VanIsle Smiles Abound

First Mate Michael Kellick and treasured alum crew/GHHSA board member David Cottrell phoned me last night as the crew was preparing for her long journey south to Sausalito. Sounds like they had an incredible time on Vancouver Island. Can't wait to hear from Nathalie once they hit San Fran Bay!!
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Here's a great shot of our Polish Media/Sailing Goddess Veronica at the helm!
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Jim Rich, who used to a classical music producer and is now a professional blacksmith in a small town in Oregon, soothes us with his instrumental stylings near the mainmast.
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The crew got to hike this gorgeous waterfall on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada! Gorgeous, EH?
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Here's Bill at a small dock near on Vancouver Island.

Friday, July 22, 2005

VAN crew photo

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Wow look at the whole crew & our liason's from Vancouver.  From Left to Right, 

1st Row/Top:  Cpt. Rafael Mendez, Jim Rich (Blacksmith), Nickolas Williams (Bosun's Mate)

2nd Row: Bill of Rights Captain Christopher Trandell, Valerie Harms (Purser), Michael "MacGregor" Hicks (Engineer), Bill Robinson (Vancouver Laison and Volunteer), Michael Kellick (First Mate), Shawn Siak (Vancouver Liason & Volunteer),

3rd Row: Victor Eskinagi (Volunteer), Noriko Imada (Volunteer),

4th Row: Shawn Jonutz (Bosun), Veronica Milewska (Volunteer), Nathalie Reginster (Steward), Guillermo Aponte (Cook), Slavek (Volunteer)

Bottom: Spidey & Bryce Potter (Medical Officer)


This was the crew as of Port Alberni... But as you know crew changes.  We say good-bye to our awesome Vancouver Liasons/Volunteers and welcome two new members: Jason Williams (ASTA Intern) & Tally Locke (Volunteer that we stole from schooner Zodiac)


check out all this great Bill stuff written by the Jason, Stephen and Laura Warne:

especially this, from Laura:

"The crew members on board the Bill of Rights were pivotal in making me feel more at ease on board the ship. They reminded me that they too had once been beginners, and that it was ok to not know anything about sailing a schooner as long as you tried your best to learn and pull your weight.

Being on the ship wasn't all great, of course, but I found that the more unpleasant tasks just made me feel closer to the crew and more appreciate of the wonderful moments that followed. I began to not only understand, but also feel a part of the community that I had always heard about existing on board ships.

One lesson I was forced to learn on the Bill of Rights was trust. Sailing on board a ship involves a great deal of trust and faith in the people around you to make sure you are safe. I will always remember the night I woke up because the ship was tossing in strong swells, only to hear Stephen's footsteps above me on deck doing anchor watch. I fell asleep reassured that he would make sure everything was ok.

We arrived in Tacoma on Thursday afternoon, and I was genuinely sad to leave the crew. I was happy to see Adria, Steve and Christine again, as well as get a much-needed shower, but I missed the familiar rocking of the ship and the eclectic family I had gotten to know and care about."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

From Laura and Halie

The beautiful Ms. Laura Levin sent some pictures to post on the blog, mostly from Bill's time in Tacoma. Salty sailor Ms. Halie Duke also sent a few that she took in Port Alberni!
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Ever since Jim got onboard he's been smiling. It's great, too, because often he makes everyone around him smile as well. Jim Rich is definitely one of the coolest people on this planet.
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And then there's Shawn, a sponge for bosunry knowledge. Looks like Shawn is fixing up a new sheet/pennant for the headrig.
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Here's Captain Christopher below, plotting his course to distant foreign ports! (Canada)
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Buenas Dias Cuauhtemoc!
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Buenos noches Cuauhtemoc
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Bryce Potter, before being sucked into the bilge by the giant Cowl Worm.
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A nice shot of Chief Mate Kellick at the helm, offshore of Queen Anne Hill and downtown Seattle.
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MacGregor, always canoodling with celebrities!Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Great shot of Nathalie and Jim at the club.
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Sailing samurai Noriko mans the foresl sheet.
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Hey I just noticed Rafqui's shirt... LoL!

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Look at our pretty girl with her lovely masts!
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Aloha to a Bill alum - Jonathan "JT" Thomas! Here is his baby, s/v Maltese Lady.
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Left to Right Back row - ASTA intern Stephan, Jimmy McManus (now on s/v Talofa), ASTA intern Jason Williams, Purser Valerie Harms, Captain Christopher Trandell, Alum Crew Laura Levin, Bosun's Mate Nick Williams, Alum Crew Jim Rich, Chief Mate Michael Kellick.

Front row - Sailing samurai Noriko Imada, ASTA intern Laura, Bosun Shawn Jonutz, Steward Kim Carver, Medical Officer Bryce Potter, Steward Nathalie Reginster, Chef William Aponte. (Missing is Rafael Mendez, Sean Patrick Griffin, MacGregor)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Update from Nathalie!

Nathalie has done her job excellently here! Yay for Nathalie! She's taken lots of photos to document the Bill's time in Vancouver. PLUS... our beloved ex-bosun Rich Sloat and his supersailor girlfriend Hallie Duke stopped by to say Hello!
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Here is Bryce putting up the Baggy Wrinkle that the Girl Scouts in Aberdeen Washington helped us make
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Here is Shawn letting our some soulful wailing on the sax on Tall Ship Island in Vancouver
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For the transit from Vancouver to Port Alberni we participated in a crew exchange with Pallada.  We gave them Nick and Bryce and they gave us the Jenyas.  (From left to right is Jenya #2 and Jenya #1)
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The bill plays host to Movie Stars in Vancouver.  Burt Renolds and the actress Leelee Sobieski came and moored alongside the bill and then toured the boat.  Even our own MacGregor was a little star struck
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Oh no! What this?Why it's the Bill crew, but I think they got lost.No actually Between Victor and Weronika they arranged for the crew to get the chance to climb the rig of the Russian ship PALLADA..  It was an amazing morning
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The 1st mate finally what the two class A ships reminded him of: Salt and Pepper.  Our Russian's response "Yes, But Pepper is better"
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Sometimes its hard to get them to come down. Here is Nick just Hanging out on the cross trees during one of our sails
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SUPER Steward down for the count.  I can now say from experience I know how she feels.  We miss you KIM.
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Wow doesn't Christopher clean up so nice I almost didn't recongnize him
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No transit would be complete without anchoring off of some remote spot so we can use and abuse the hospitality of the locals.  We offered them dinner, they offered us use of their dock and hot tub. As soon as I have a card reader suitable I will post picture of the fun that happened here. Unfortunatly my camera battery died right after taking this picture.  J


Will send you more soon from Port Alberni.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

a jacktar on solid ground

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Not every Jack Tar owns a classic Mercedes. Here's to the shipping business!

And here's to TACOMA!!! Quite possibly one of the best ports ever when it comes to crew accommodations. Laundry picked up every morning and returned (clean! free!) the next morning, trash pick up daily, plenty of free internet access, free coronas and cokes at the crew lounge on the dock by Cuauhtemoc, and volunteers and ship's liaisons that took us everywhere we needed to go, and so much more! Yay for Tacoma! Every day Bill was open for dockside tours for 3 hours, averaging 300 people crossing her decks each hour. And here's to Paulette, the volunteer who checked all the passengers in at the top of the dock and kept that end running smooth. She really freed up the stewards on board. We took plenty of volunteers and crew from other boats on our sails, making Bill a candidate for Miss Congeniality for sure.

Every day we grabbed a few hardworking volunteers to sail with us, and every day we enjoyed the company of crew from Zodiac, Lady Washington, R. Tucker Thompson, Adventuress, Talofa or Pallada during our sails as well. When word got around that we might well have the best cook in the fleet (chef Guillo!), those visiting crew stuck around for more than just sailing. More than once a Bill crew would find an Adventuress crew wandering the docks, listless and glassy eyed from lack of animal flesh. We brought them aboard and filled them with bacon and chicken. Ever seen an Adventuress crew do the Bacon Dance?

Then, the grand finale was the fireworks on the 4th of July, only to be surpassed earlier that day by a full page layout of our girl Bill in the Tacoma News Tribune! Chief Mate Michael stocked the saloon with copies of the paper, which were greeted with gasps from every crewmember as each emerged from his or her rack that morning.

This was my grand finale on Bill, but I ( Kim Carver ) am still going to be running this blog until the buyers begin their own website for her. No tall ship should be without an online presence! I want everyone to know and love Bill as much as I have grown to love her. She is my favorite boat so far, and I have grown to prefer gaff schooners overall. For those of you who also enjoy Bill of Rights enough to tell a story about her or send a photo, please do! My email link is on the left, and I need input in order to keep this blog alive! I will be calling the present crew from my home in Austin, TX, but so many passengers take photos that everyone would love to see. Email me!

My parting shot of R. Tucker Thompson's galley... The morning of the 4th I ran around to other boats to collect cool t-shirts. R. Tucker is a sweet little tall ship and everyone wishes they could crew on her now.

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Fair Winds to the tall ships in Vancouver, then Port Alberni! I already miss so many crew. Keep me updated!

Love, Kim

Monday, July 04, 2005

Life in the Fishbowl

In A Compartment there are people with bunks below the emergency hatch. Although the public is not allowed below decks, they are always trying to get a peek. Here are two little kids trying very hard to see below decks, being caught by a blinding flash that they did not expect!
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Friday, July 01, 2005

The Lovely Mathilde

Lady Alum Tuvalu and her true love Captain Micah Faust just had a baby girl: Mathilde Azriel Faust Allnut. Happy Birthday Mathilde!
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I Love the Smell of Tacoma in the Morning!

Smells Like Team Spirit! Woohoo! I think every private boat in Tacoma came out to visit the tall ships. This was, by far, our favorite!
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Here's Sara, just returned from Spain, conversing with the Cuautemoc crew.
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A little cosmetic damage to our port bow - we want to look our best so Cap and Shawn stayed up LATE fixing it for parade day.
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"Amazing Grace"
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Not sure on the name of this one.
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The mate called for everyone to fly their Tins'ls.
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There's the Cuauhtemoc sailors.
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Accepting the award for Seamanship with Style....
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Tacoma had a big spaghetti dinner laid out, with COLD coca colas (!) and lounge music!
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